02 mai 2022
- Infrastructure F-CRIN
International Clinical Trial Day 2022 will be co-hosted by ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) and its German scientific partner KKS-Netzwerk (the Network of Coordinating Centres for Clinical Trials) on May 17th 2022, and this years’ theme is Recruitment in Clinical Trials.
ICTD was launched in 2005 by ECRIN, in line with its mission to support multinational clinical research in Europe. ICTD brings together health policy actors, health authorities, clinical researchers, health professionals, patients and citizens from Europe, and beyond to discuss issues related to multinational clinical.
ICTD commemorates the start of the landmark clinical trial, led by James Lind on sailors with scurvy, 20 May 1747. Having laid the foundation for modern clinical research, ECRIN salutes this initiative by addressing a new topic in clinical research every year on or around this date.
ECRIN is the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network, a public, non-profit organisation that focuses on academic-sponsored multinational clinical trials as well as clinical trials initiated by SMEs. It provides sponsors and investigators with advice, management services and tools to navigate Europe’s fragmented health and legal systems on clinical trials. ECRIN has national scientific partners (i.e. F-CRIN in France) in 12 countries covering more than 350 million citizens. Multi-country clinical trials mean greater access to patients, resources, and expertise, and, in turn, faster and potentially more robust results.