The StrokeLink network is a national clinical research network specialising in strokes. StrokeLink is a multidisciplinary network bringing together university research units and hospital departments in the fields of neurology, interventional and diagnostic neuroradiology, vascular neurosurgery, vascular biology, neuroanesthesia, stroke rehabilitation and emergency care. This multidisciplinary network provides the infrastructure required to manage and coordinate industrial and academic clinical trials.
A brief description of strokes
Stroke is the leading cause of acquired physical disability in adults and the leading cause of death in women in France. Every year in France, around 150,000 people suffer a stroke. That’s one person every 4 minutes! Around 30% of patients die within a year of their stroke, and 70% suffer disabling after-effects. Strokes are therefore a major public health issue.
There are two main types of stroke: ischaemic strokes or cerebral infarctions (80% of cases) caused by the blockage of a cerebral artery; and haemorrhagic strokes (20% of cases) caused by the rupture of a cerebral blood vessel.
A stroke is a medical EMERGENCY. Prompt treatment is a key factor in limiting after-effects: EVERY MINUTE COUNTS. In France, the first step is to dial 15 to reach the emergency services and get the patient as quickly as possible to one of the 130 neurovascular units specialising in stroke treatment across France, which are open 24/7.
Coordination of StrokeLink
StrokeLink is coordinated by Professor Charlotte Cordonnier (Lille University Hospital) and Professor Jean-Marc Olivot (Toulouse University Hospital).
In January 2022, the network received accreditation as a "thematic network of excellence" from the FCRIN infrastructure, following an assessment by an international scientific committee.
At the same time, StrokeLink is forging ties across Europe by joining ESOTA, the European clinical research network for strokes.

Professor Charlotte CORDONNIER
Coordinator of the StrokeLink network
Head of Neurology and Neurovascular Diseases, Neurologist, Lille University Hospital

Professor Jean-Marc OLIVOT
Co-Coordinator of the StrokeLink network
Neurologist, Toulouse University Hospital
Organisation of the network into Working Groups
The network is organised around nine working groups: three thematic groups (acute phase, prevention and rehabilitation) and six cross-cutting groups (Methodology and feasibility, Registries and biobanks, Innovative strategies, Education and communication, Outreach and interaction with industry, Quality).
Each working group has between eight and ten members across France.